Sun protection - an important factor in any season for skin health

Most of the time, sunscreens are used only in the warm season, but they should be used throughout the year, regardless of the season, the outside temperature or the weather. Sun protection is extremely important, especially since the skin, in contact with ultraviolet rays, ages more easily and can stain. It is best to use a sun protection cream throughout the year, if you want to have young and beautiful skin for a long period of time.

From the following material you will find out how to take care of your skin, but also what are the benefits of sun protection cream.

Sun protection - how to take care of your skin

Sun protection is extremely important, at any age, in any season. When children are small, you always take care to cover every part of their body with special creams, but when they grow up, you give up or reduce this habit. However, it is not okay to stop using sun protection creams.

Regardless of age, when you expose yourself to the sun, the skin must be protected. Ultraviolet rays are dangerous and can cause all kinds of health problems, from irritation and burns to the terrible skin cancer. However, with adequate protection, you can protect yourself from the negative effects of exposure to the sun and fully enjoy your time spent outdoors.

Dermatologists recommend using a sunscreen with an SPF factor of at least 30, so that the skin is safe and to avoid any discomfort caused by ultraviolet rays. The SPF represents the sun protection factor, and its number represents the time you can stay in the sun. For example, if you use a cream with protection factor 30, it means that you will be able to stay in the sun 30 times longer, without your skin suffering burns.

Sun protection cream, an important factor in any season

The mistake that almost everyone makes is using cosmetic products with sun protection only in the hot season or when going to the beach. These products must always be used, in any season, every time you leave the house. It's true, the sun's rays are stronger in the summer, but in order to protect yourself completely and to always be safe, you need to use cosmetic products with SPF protection throughout the year.

Moreover, there are make-up products with SPF factor included, so you will look good and protect yourself at the same time. It is preferable to use such products because the skin must be protected the most, the skin on the face being the most sensitive.

The benefits of sun protection for the face

Sunscreen is excellent for your skin. There are many Korean cosmetic brands that produce such creams with SPF or creams that protect you from the harmful effects of sun exposure.

By far, the skin is the most affected by exposure to the sun, the skin of the face being very tender, and the exposure almost permanent, not usually being covered with a textile material, as is the case with the body. However, if you use products with a protection factor, your skin will not stain, it will wrinkle harder, moles will appear at older ages, and the general appearance will be much fresher, especially if you have a correct care routine and you also use other face creams .

In order to prevent any problem caused by exposure to the sun, it is recommended not to leave the house without using SPF protection creams, and in the hot season to avoid exposure to the sun between 11am and 5pm. Moreover, to protect yourself from the strong rays, it is advisable to wear hats with wide brims so that your face is not exposed directly to the sun.

Therefore, regardless of the season, it is important to protect your skin, to be careful what products you use, and the most important rule: do not leave the house without applying a generous layer of sun protection cream.

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