Privacy policy

We consider ensuring the right to the protection of personal data as a fundamental Wowskin commitment, therefore we will process your data in full compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 ("General Data Protection Regulation" or "GDPR"), as well as with any other legislation applicable on the territory of Romania.

Wowskin is the trade name of Wowskin Alivos SRL, a legal entity of Romanian nationality, with its registered office in Aninoasa-Vifora str Silozului no 2, with order number in the Trade Register J15/1696/2019, unique tax registration code RO41797282 (hereinafter " us" or "Wowskin"). For the purposes of data protection legislation, we are the controller when we process your personal data.


In general, Wowskin will process your personal data entered directly by you. This way you have control over the type of information you give us.


When you create a Wowskin account, you submit to us: your email address, first and last name;

In the "My Account" section found on the Site, you can enter information such as: phone number, delivery addresses, bank card details, etc.

When you place an order, you provide us with information such as: name and surname, desired products, delivery address, desired payment method, phone number, etc.

We may collect and further process certain information about your behavior while visiting our website in order to personalize your online experience and provide you with offers tailored to your profile.

On our website we can store and collect information in cookies and other similar technologies, according to the Cookie Policy.

We do not collect or otherwise process sensitive data, included by the General Data Protection Regulation in special categories of personal data. We also do not wish to collect or process data of minors who have not reached the age of 16 (sixteen).


We will use your personal data for the following purposes:

1) To provide wowskin services for your benefit

This purpose may include, as appropriate, the following:

account creation and management within the wowskin platform;
order processing, including their receipt, validation, dispatch and invoicing;
resolving cancellations or issues of any nature related to an order, goods or services purchased;
returning products according to legal provisions;
reimbursement of the counter value of the products according to legal provisions;
providing support services
The processing of your data for these purposes is in most cases necessary for the conclusion and execution of a Contract between Wowskin and you. Certain processing subsumed for these purposes is required by applicable law, including tax and accounting law.

2) To improve our services

In order to provide you with the most pleasant experience on our Site, we use certain data to make the Site as easy to use as possible. We may collect and use certain information related to your Buyer behavior, we may invite you to complete satisfaction surveys after completing an Order. We may also directly or indirectly conduct market studies and research.

We base these activities on our legitimate interest in carrying out commercial activities, always taking care that your fundamental rights and freedoms are not affected.

3) For marketing

We want to keep you up to date with the best deals on the products you are interested in. In this regard, we may send you any type of message (email/SMS/telephone/WhatsApp) containing general and thematic information, information regarding products similar or complementary to those you have purchased, information regarding offers or promotions, information about products added to the "My Account" and "My Cart" section, or information about products you have shown interest in purchasing. We may also send you commercial communications such as opinion polls and display personalized recommendations on our Site. In order to provide you with information of interest to you, we may use certain data regarding your shopping behavior (products added to cart/products viewed/products purchased) to create a profile for you. We always ensure that this processing is carried out in compliance with your rights and freedoms and that the decisions taken on the basis of them do not have legal effects on you and do not similarly affect you to a significant extent.

In most cases, we base our marketing communications on your prior consent. You can withdraw your consent at any time by the following methods:

Accessing the unsubscribe button within the messages sent by Wowskin
Contacting Wowskin (contact methods can be found on the Site in the "Contact" section)
Changing your account settings
In certain situations, we may base our marketing activities on our legitimate interest in promoting and developing our business. In any situation where we use information about you, for our legitimate interest, we will take all necessary measures to ensure that your fundamental rights and freedoms are not affected. You can ask us at any time to stop processing your personal data for marketing purposes through the methods above.

4) To defend our legitimate interests

There may be situations where we will use or share information to protect our rights and business. These measures may include:

measures to protect the website and the users of the website against cyber attacks;
measures to prevent and detect fraud attempts, including the transmission of information to the competent public authorities;
other risk management measures.
The reason for these types of processing is our legitimate interest in defending our commercial activity, it being understood that we ensure that all the measures we take guarantee a balance between our interests and your fundamental rights and freedoms. In certain cases, we base our processing on legal provisions such as the obligation to ensure the protection of the asset and the values ​​provided by the applicable legislation in this matter.


In most cases, Wowskin will store your personal data for as long as you have an account on our Site. You can always ask us to delete certain information or even to close your account. After we receive your requests, we will deal with it as soon as possible. However, we will retain certain information after account closure where applicable law or our legitimate interests require us to do so.


Depending on the situation, we may provide access to certain of your personal data to the following categories of recipients:

courier service providers
payment service providers
banking service providers
IT service providers
marketing service providers
Wowskin Alivos SRL (the company that owns Wowskin)
Shopify Inc.
If we have a legal obligation or if it is necessary to defend a legitimate interest, we may disclose personal data to public authorities.

We always ensure that access to your data by the third parties mentioned above is carried out in accordance with the legal provisions on data protection and information confidentiality, based on contracts concluded with them.


Wowskin will store and process your personal data in Romania. However, since the Wowskin online store uses the Shopify platform, and Shopify Inc. located in the United States of America has access to the personal data of our Users/Customers.

We will always take steps to ensure that any international transfer of personal data is handled carefully to protect your rights and interests. Transfers to service providers and other third parties will always be protected by contractual commitments and, where appropriate, other safeguards such as standard contractual clauses issued by the European Commission or certification schemes such as the Privacy Shield for the Protection of Personal Data transferred from within the EU to the United States of America.


The Wowskin store, through the Shopify platform, has an SSL certificate, which encrypts your data on our Site. Zutter also uses HTTPS instead of HTTP, which raises the security level of the Site.

To make online payments we use the services of the payment processor Adyen.

Despite the measures taken to protect your personal data, we draw your attention to the fact that the transmission of information over the Internet or through other public networks is not completely secure, there is a risk that the data will be seen and used by unauthorized third parties. We cannot be responsible for such vulnerabilities of systems that are not under our control.


You can always request access to your data, the correction of any mistakes entered on the Site and you can object to the processing of your personal data. If applicable, you can benefit from the right to request the deletion of your personal data, the right to restrict the processing of your data and the right to data portability.

You can always ask us to confirm if we are processing your personal data. We can always provide you with information about your personal data, such as what data we hold, how we use it, how we protect it, who we pass it on to, whether we transfer it abroad, how long we keep it, etc.

You can always ask us to correct your personal data if it has not been entered correctly.

You can ask us to delete your personal data and your Wowskin account at any time. If you want to delete your account, we recommend saving all the documents related to the orders placed. The action of deleting the account is irreversible and all the information in your account will be deleted and you will lose all these documents. After account deletion, Wowskin will no longer have any information related to the deleted account.

You can ask us to restrict the processing of personal data only in cases where: its accuracy is disputed; their processing is illegal, but you do not want the data to be deleted; they are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected, but you need them to establish, exercise or defend a right in court. We may continue to use your personal data following a restriction request, where we have your consent, or to establish, exercise or defend a right in court.

You can ask us to provide your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format.

You can object at any time, for legal reasons of your particular situation, to the processing of your personal data based on our legitimate interest, if you consider that your fundamental rights and freedoms prevail over this interest.

You can object to the processing of your data for direct marketing purposes at any time without giving a reason.

You can contact us at any time if you have questions about data protection at the phone number or email address in the "Contact" section.

You have the right to lodge complaints with the supervisory authority regarding the processing of personal data. In Romania, the contact details of the supervisory authority for data protection are as follows:

National Supervisory Authority of Personal Data Processing B-dul G-ral. Gheorghe Magheru no. 28-30, Sector 1, postal code 010336, Bucharest, Romania.

Phone: +40 760 693 579


Without prejudice to your right to contact the supervisory authority at any time, please contact us in advance, and we promise to make every effort to resolve any problem amicably.